Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is it old age or just a long day???

Lorie fell and broke her foot so Bill and I are up in Utah trying to take over her duties as caretaker, cook, cleaner, baker, and entertainer. Our first day on the job...we intended to take the girls to their 9am church. At 7:45 am the girls were in pajamas, eating breakfast, Bill was still in bed, and I was still in MY pajamas. It was at that point that I realized that plan A was not going to work out...Church just wasn't going to happen for us this morning. Maybe next week. On to plan B. Make crockpot lunch. That SOUNDS easy, however I chopped the onion, minced garlic, chopped celery, chopped carrots, and proceeded to chop my FINGER! Ouch! But, the work must go on!!! After our lunch was started, it was time to get Snacks...I think I will be living in the kitchen!!!! To go along with our lunch I also made corn bread. But, my idea of corn bread and Lorie's idea of making corn bread is VERY different! Where is the Jiffy mix??? You want me to make it from SCRATCH????? I made it from scratch...and survived...recipe to come soon! (:
As we ate our lunch, Lorie noticed the overripe bananas and mentioned that I needed to make banana bread to use them up. So, we ground the wheat and mashed the bananas to make the banana bread later that evening. (After I cleaned up from LUNCH!!!).
After the girls woke up from their naps, it was time to get dinner. After dinner was served it was time to set out and make the banana bread with my 2 little hands on cooks in tow. With the recipe in hand I started the "banana bread" following a zucchini bread recipe. Oops. Unfortunately I didn't notice that until MUCH later. I followed that zucchini bread recipe faithfully to the end!!! Never questioning why I was grating zucchini...nor where the bananas would be added to the "banana bread"!!!! When I got up to get the bread out of the oven, I had a aha moment...I had made zucchini bread with the understanding and intent that I was making banana bread. Now, that is scary!! We all enjoyed it, Alexa had seconds...and at the top of tomorrows to do list...make banana bread!!! Check back soon for our next adventures!!! Oh, and did I mention that I am STILL in my pajamas??? Where does the day go?
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Jess and Richard said...

Sounds like it could turn into a very interesting couple of weeks! haha. Love you!

susan said...

i am still laughin' enjoy